Our Current Cause

Dr. Andrew Wakefield at home in Austin, Texas.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in his own words:

“Seventeen years ago, as an academic gastroenterologist, I entered the autism arena. My experience of the intervening years has created two indelible impressions. The first is that the art and science of medicine are bent out of shape – badly so. The second is that the age-old tenets of clinical practice – the patient’s narrative and clinical examination – are gold dust.

Hammering out the kinks and dents in a medical system that is corrupted at every level by ‘incentive’ and proscriptive bureaucracy is a monumental task. For my medical colleagues to recognize that ignoring the self-evident link between unsafe immunization practices and chronic immune diseases in children is simply looking for something or someone else to blame, is an irony too far – at least until they are personally affected.

My colors are nailed to the mast. I gain strength from the increasingly histrionic message of our detractors. They fail to realize that, in taking on a group of mothers whose children have been harmed, they confront one of life’s most indomitable forces.

Until change comes, doctors and scientists invested in the health and rights of citizens, and in the proper conduct of medicine and science in the public interest, must be encouraged and protected.”

Whether you can give $5 or $500, every dollar donated to the Academic Integrity Fund goes to protecting academic freedom and the doctors and scientists who need your support.

4 thoughts on “Our Current Cause

  1. Pingback: Andrew Wakefield og Semmelweiseffekten | ny injeksjon

  2. Pingback: Semmelweis effect and the Andrew Wakefield story « hyperrealisme

  3. Dr. Wakefield,
    You are my hero!!!
    With gratitude and support from a mom who figured out that vaccines caused my son’s chronic respiratory illnesses (not autism); and won’t stop telling anyone who will listen about the “side effects” of vaccines. (Homeopathy later solved his woes…)
    Linda R

  4. Thank you so much for the honesty and truth Doctor Wakefield. I’ve learned so much through your studies. Keep up the great work and difficult battle. I will pray for you and all of your team members victory and safety. You are up against a monster but may Jesus be on your side! God bless!

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